Configuring Emacs as a Python IDE | Pedro Kroger
tags: python, emacs, help
sudo easyinstall reimport
www.outlookindia.com | All Aboard The Slave Ship
tags: advice, letter, writing
When will you learn to attack a system in order to alter its agenda? When will your protest be proof of your pent-up anger? Will you come up with an activism that cannot be appropriated? No other country awaits a revolution as eagerly as ours, no other country needs one as desperately either. This revolution is not somebody else’s business. Where is your characteristic killing rage? Where is mine, for that matter?
The Hindu : Columns / Harsh Mander : Barefoot - The other side of life
tags: money, life, india, writing
Can anyone really live on Rs. 26 a day, the income of the officially poor in rural India? Two youngsters try it out.
tags: data
tags: hacking, howto, advice