The Math Trick Behind MP3s, JPEGs, and Homer Simpson’s Face - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus
The Fourier transform has even been used to identify a counterfeit Jackson Pollock painting by deciphering the chemicals in the paint.
Sleep: When Brain Cells Shrink & Neuro Trash Is Flushed Away - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus
Maybe the fresh, new feeling we have when we awake really is a kind of cleanliness, as the byproducts of the previous day’s cogitations have been washed away.
It’s Nice That : Bookshelf: Jason Silva
As we prepare body and soul for the gluttony and giving nearly upon us, Jason Silva presents us with an intellectual antidote; an incredible and excitable selection of books that thinks a little bigger than exactly how many brussels sprouts we will be expected to eat in the coming weeks. Web-wide courted themes of The Singualrity, group consciousness and technology’s expectation of us, the synthesis of the human condition and (why not?) immortality – all are to be found in the permanent pages of this wonderfully accessible selection of books on Silva’s Bookshelf.
Cal lecturer’s email to students goes viral: “Why I am not canceling class tomorrow” | CAA
you will think something in response along the lines of `I know all that, but these things are for someone else to figure out, not me.’
That is a mistake.
The most surprising things about America
Bookmarks [2013/11/25]
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