Bookmarks [2013/12/10]
  • The Mental Glitch That Makes Us Throw Good Money After Bad - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

    So if you donate those football tickets to some fans who were willing to sit out in the snow for hours, you’d feel better about staying in bed and watching the game on television.

  • Chernobyl’s Hot Mess, “the Elephant’s Foot,” Is Still Lethal - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

    Born of human error, continually generating copious heat, the Elephant’s Foot is still melting into the base of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. If it hits ground water, it could trigger another catastrophic explosion or leech radioactive material into the water nearby residents drink. Long after bleeding from the core, this unique piece of waste continues to be a testament to the potential dangers of nuclear power. The Elephant’s Foot will be there for centuries, sitting in the dark basement of a concrete and steel sarcophagus, a symbol of one of humankind’s most powerful tools gone awry.

  • The Quad - Timeline Photos | Resolutions

    So stop kidding yourself year after year. Stop expecting a start and fearing an end. If you’ve read this, your journey has already begun. Where you go from here is your call. But do what it takes. Make it happen.

  • A Formula That Shows How to Cheat & Triumph at Tournaments - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

    I told you before that the purpose of mathematics is insight, but I think I lied. Even more than that, the reason I do math is the excitement and uncertainty of the chase. There is no joy in applying a computer algorithm, but there is joy in unlocking the delicate clockwork mechanism that makes a good math problem tick. And, in the end, you just might learn something that nobody else in the world knows!

    … Oh, and by the way, I really don’t believe that honesty is merely a wasted opportunity to cheat. I said that just for effect. Honest.

  • Linkers and Loaders

    These are the manuscript chapters for my Linkers and Loaders, published by Morgan-Kaufman

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