John Resig - Write Code Every Day
Inspired by the incredible work that Jennifer Dewalt completed last year, in which she taught herself programming by building 180 web sites in 180 days, I felt compelled to try a similar tactic: working on my side projects every single day.
Debug your programs like they’re closed source! - Julia Evans
My favorite way to learn more, honestly, is to just strace random programs and see what I find out. It’s a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon! =)
Announcing AeroPython! - Lorena A. Barba Group
We now announce the public release of the 11 lessons that make AeroPython! Find them on the public GitHub repository.
How I Came to Write D | Dr Dobb’s
Nobody could possibly work on compilers for 15+ years and not come up with ideas for language improvements. I tried out many language improvements in the C and C++ compilers, and they all fell flat.
I’ve learned that I have the power to fix things around me that I don’t like. I don’t need to just deal with it because that’s just the way things are. I have the power to shape the world around me. It’s just a matter of believing that I can change things. Just believing is all I need to actually take the first step towards taking action.
What follows is a list for some of my use cases that leverage the power of ssh.
Bookmarks [2014/04/29]
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