I'm back

After a short break, I’m back to blogging! A few things have changed meanwhile. A lot haven’t.

  • Noetic Nought shall now be called Rustic Reverie.

  • The Blogs I read page is now manually populated. More pages might be coming soon.

  • My web presence has almost been reduced to just this blog. I hope to be blogging more often this time around. I guess I’ll have shorter and more frequent posts. “Release early, Release often.”

  • I’ve been inspired by Sacha Chua and her wonderful blog. She puts up anything that -

    • she may look up in future.
    • could be remotely useful to anybody on this planet.

    I like her idea of “thinking of writing as sketching”. “Keep repeating yourself, until the core message floats to the top”. It feels similar to the idea - “Release early, Release often.”

  • Also, Thanks to Madhu and Vattam who set an impossibly high standard by having their resumes and letters of recommendations and other “personal” stuff on version control on public repositories.

  • All my posts will be made from org2blog - a little org-mode based client that I hacked up. Emacs and Org-mode all the way! This is the first post by me (and probably anybody) from org2blog!

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