Org-mode Workshop

Well, I’m not sure if it’s worth writing about. I conducted my first org-mode workshop along with Prof. Venkatesh Choppella at IIIT-Hyderabad. It was a 3 hour demo+talk kind of a thing, with a small audience of about 20 people, most of whom were new to Emacs.

We covered almost all the aspects of Org-mode after giving a brief introduction to Emacs. Outlining and note-taking part was simple and easy to understand, but the audience couldn’t really appreciate the part of keeping TODO lists and agendas and other stuff. I’m hoping, the reason was not me taking over from Venkatesh.

I think the workshop should’ve been more hands-on and we should’ve asked people to try out stuff on the spot, instead of showing off the things possible with Emacs. They probably would’ve appreciated a few things better, that way.

Hopefully, we will be doing more workshops on Org-mode and there are surely somethings to take away from this one. I hope at least one of the participants, gets hooked to Org-mode.

The talk outline is here.

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