
I am beginning to notice something about my posts [ok.. there aren’t many that make it here.. :P] There are sometimes, when I feel I should write about a specific thing. I feel as if, there has to be a post about this, and there’s no way I can’t write about it.

But then I have limited access to net here… and even less time when I’m alone, to write up something. I definitely cannot access net immediately, whenever I get that ‘feel’ to write about something. So the post is postponed… And later, when I think about it, or do get access to net… it seems that topic isn’t worth writing.. or that ‘feel’ isn’t there anymore..

I wonder if this would have been the case with my other posts too.. if only I waited longer to post them?? [But on reading some of the older posts I don’t feel so much that way…] Am I being lazy?? [Is this how other blogs die down?] Is it that my life is dull and boring here (if it was so bad.. I guess I would’ve managed to write about boredom! :P).. and there’s nothing worth writing? [and I am just thinking of something to keep my blog alive?] Is my blog closer to its end than it is to its beginning? [I don’t think so.. its only a matter of time before I get back to coll.. :P] But is it the best way to be posting [instinctively… immediately]??? Or is there something better that I should be learning.. that I should have learnt by now??

BTW.. why do people blog at all?? What’s the whole point of Blogging? [Yes, I haven’t still understood what it is.. even after about 30 posts…]

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