Planning... to save a Sem!!??

We are less than a week away from our supposedly dreaded ’test-1’… n i have no clue even about what the syllabus is, in each course… There’s ‘Theory of Relativity’, of which i’m able to make no head or tail.. then there’s ‘Electrical Sciences’, which totally “transformed” my plans for this sem… then…SPM.. muP.. POM… MT.. C&S………

There are loads and loads of other stuff too…

Relativity… Emacs…. C++… Python… Table Tennis… learning a bit of Music… picking up practical electronic skills… reading a few books…(quite a few actually..).. and so on…. [not to forget.. attending classes… doing a bit of course related work…]. The list seems only to be growing everyday…

There’s nothing that I’ve crossed out yet.. there’s not one thing that’s done to perfection…[with a third of the sem already through!!] {I already get the feeling.. its “Another sem down the drain”}

But didn’t I begin this sem with plans to “rock” it?? Wasn’t I supposed to attend all the classes that I possible can?? What’s it that I’ve been doing for the past 5-6 weeks?

I don’t know!! I really can’t pinpoint what’s been achieved in the past one month or so… [other than of course quite a considerable amount of sleep…….]

Why are things so horribly out of place?? What’s to be done.. to get on track asap.. I wonder… What should my priorities be? Why am I being overwhelmed by the things I got to do?

I realise this time of my life is as precious as any other… (probably more…) and i need to make the most of it…. but what is that “most”?? [It’s definitely not sleep!]

I wish to put together,
all my time, energy and matter
to do a job, little
that will ob’ly be infinitesimal
It wouldn’t make me a hero
but shouldn’t amount to zero…

to me, something tangible
definitely seems possible
because nothing is impossible
if there is the quantum of struggle…

but it must come
before I get back home
needn’t create an uproar
but before the end of semsester four

[Don’t mistake this for a poem… for it is not!! Its just some scribbling of mine.. which will keep me alive if at the end of this sem… there’s nothing other than this.. which is tangible… something concrete.. something “see"able]

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, “Where have I gone wrong?” Then a voice inside says to me, “This is going to take more than one night.” – Charles M. Schulz

Little Things.
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.
Thus the little minutes,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
– Ebenezer Cobham Brewer.

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