- Augmented assignment in Python -
- A GNU and a friend -
- org2blog on the web -
- Vimperator and Firemacs! -
- Sage Days 25, Mumbai, India -
- talk at GNUnify' 10 -
- Monikers and the Internet -
- numpy, pacman and me -
- Stress and us -
- Postfix + Mailman for Multiple Domains. -
- FOSS talks at CDEEP -
- Weblogger.el configured! -
- The 'Academic' Internet -
- Software Freedom Day -
- A Byte of Python -
- mukt.in 2008 -
- Mid-Term 'Psycho'Analysis -
- Update Script -
- A sabbatical -
- Lafoot or Lafoobot! -
- Quark'08 ! -
- Not so Floppix… -
- Telugu Rendering in Ubuntu... -
- Summer or Awe-TEM!! Whatever... Forever -
- Non-e-Moments??!! -
- A Second Blog... -
- Windows©, Doors or Homes!??! -
- Quark 07 -
- Lisp as an Alternative to Java -
- Popularly Unpopular?? -
- Welcome to the Un-Conference -
- Planning... to save a Sem!!?? -
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years!! -
- Happy gNew Year!! -
- Awe[ful] @ Science !!?!??! -
- The Joy of a 'Project!' -
- Is Disney buying MIT?? -
- A "Free Software" Hack!! -