All posts with this tag are aggregated to the Blaggregator.
- Some useful Git configuration for Windows -
- Restoring a broken Ubuntu upgrade -
- Responsive Auto Export for Org Hugo -
- Made in 2022 -
- Moving from Heroku to -
- Old Talk: Write Prose, Not Just Programs -
- GitHub Gists from Emacs Orgmode -
- Made in 2021 -
- Instagram's user-friendliness -
- Deploying Hugo Drafts, simplified -
- Deploying Hugo Drafts -
- An innocent query that caused Zulip downtime -
- My Favorite Git Resources -
- The tools we build change us -
- Django ModelFormSet and multiple saves -
- Been there, done that, and still doing it! -
- Isolating flaky Django tests -
- Thoughts on Technical Debt -
- Heroku apps with custom-domain and Cloudflare SSL -
- Glue Highlight Reels -
- 2018 in Review -
- My New Standing Desk -
- Goodbye Google Analytics -
- Self-care tips for new developers -
- Software development practices for sports teams -
- Automation and Habits -
- Python's globals -
- Weird ISP Issue -
- Where do the Children Play (in Bangalore) -
- Preview: A visualization git repository viewer -
- Cycling from Manali to Leh - An FAQ -
- Prime Ministers of India - Simple d3 timeline -
- Emacs frame as a pop-up input -
- Blog trends from word clouds -
- 30 years of floods in India -
- What I liked 2016-09-04 -
- What I liked 2016-08-28 -
- What I liked 2016-08-21 -
- Create a Public Jupyter Server, quickly! -
- What I liked 2016-08-14 -
- Google Trends, Clickbaits, and PV Sindhu -
- What I liked 2016-08-07 -
- What I liked 2016-07-31 -
- Python reload and module dict -
- Assist time -
- Effortful things -
- Better styling bookmarklet -
- Reading-time based scheduling -
- Stepping AFK -
- PyCon India 2016 - Propose a talk -
- Save the Map -- Please respond -
- Thinking about Data Ethics -
- Level-up Tools -
- blog-admin and Nikola -
- Notes on "5 Love Languages" -
- Partial postgres db dumps for a Django app -
- Clock in and get-shit-done -
- Elfeed hook to fetch full content -
- Say Howdy with Emacs! -
- WiFi Channels & my router's random invisibility -
- Playing music using mpsyt from Emacs -
- org-drill for making it stick! -