Welcome to the Un-Conference

Here comes the WikiCamp!!

Its all about understanding and harnessing the power of wikis…

It aims to bring together the best minds from the Wiki/Internet space to talk about issues,opportunities,future and evolution of this powerful tool…

Demystifying terms like Collaborative Knowledge Sharing, Wisdom of Crowds, Crowd Sourcing…

To enliven the “Spirit of Sharing”…. [That’s what it means to me!]

The event is scheduled for the 25th of February, and the venue is at Tidel Park, Chennai.

Who’s the Organiser?? Everyone is. WikiCamp runs as an unconference, where everyone is an organizer and there is no passive audience. So it is as much your event.The overall co-ordination is being done by The Knowledge Foundation, the same group behind events such as Barcamp Chennai, Blogcamp and Proto.in.

I am a Promoter of this event… You can be one too…. just write a post in your blog space… and help in telling the world about it…

Wanna Participate?

Feel free to tweet to me or send me an email with your comments.
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