Life "In-gen"
Another post, with nothing concrete to say…
- These are just a few random musings, for those curious about my life and for the good health of my Blog which is so close to its death..
- College (+ Hostel) is amongst few places, that everyone on Earth(& elsewhere) \*must\* get the chance to be in. There’s a whole new world out here, with hell a lotuva things you can do, Here and Only Here… [I am not, by any means, talking of acads!]
- Projects. Yes they are a part of almost all my random stuff… cos I just Love them, when they are self-assigned and off-hand. They get even more exciting, when the learning curve is Steep!
- Deadlines can be wonderful things, if only I learn to respect them.
- Lab-Tests, i guess, are amongst the most hyped tests in the World! They aren’t worth all that fuss.
- Grades ain’t everything in Life. Not even if you are doing Engineering!
- I live amidst /wonderful* singers, marvelous music composers, facile lyric writers, cool Hackers, amazing photographers, inspiring poets and what not. [Why the hell do people then, look just for the *“industrious”/ grade scorers?]
- Music and Sleep are Great Healers. Laughter, too, is a close competitor.
- GNU/Linux is addictive. More n more people getting addicted, everyday!
- RHCE’s got a pretty interesting test. Its rare to be interested in undergoing the torture of a test, ain’t it?
- Rules seem to be total crap, until you get the chance to look at them from above.
- Quark'08 coming up! Gottu gear up for it!
- Comprees?? They don’t bother me so much any more.
- Finally, for those who found all the above stuff boring and dumb… here’s some food for thought > The Best things in Life aren’t Things…