numpy, pacman and me

I’m now officially a part of the Arch Linux community! Arch Linux is a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.

I have started using arch from less than a week or so. It took me a while, not too long, to realize the beauty of this distro. I was trying to tweak the settings of my org-mode’s remember (on Karmic), trying to make it work the way I liked it. After breaking my head with .emacs and lisp for a while, I realized the version of my org-mode was way different from the version of the docs, I was reading. It didn’t take long to figure out, which version of org-mode to get. As a matter of curiosity, I checked AUR for the version, and true to Arch’s reputation it was bleeding edge! I was still using Karmic, since I hadn’t got my Arch installation working the way I like it, yet. Out of laziness. sudo reboot; to hell with laziness!

I was setting up things I regularly use, tweaking my way around. After a day or so, I find python-numpy is out of date. And to top it, an orphaned package! I didn’t feel one bit good about this. After some futile attempts to suppress my discomfort, I sat down to work.

After an afternoon of effort, I created my first PKGBUILD. :) I now have python-numpy installed using pacman! Pleasure to join the Arch User Community! Also, thanks to lifeeth and Lynus Vaz, for the sparks.

PS: I’m using Arch with Openbox. It’s neat! PPS: org-mode is really awesome! It’s a world in itself. life in plain text, truly!]

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